Other Notes
- 2023-11-28: Move dirs: .docsrc, .config, code => docsrc, config, src
- 2023-11-28: Add
$cli->exclude_from_help[] = 'main';
to hide any command from the help menu
Git Log
git log
on Tue Nov 28 09:34:58 PM CST 2023`
- bc7a5c2 (HEAD -> v0.1) update composer [5 seconds ago]
- 6595946 (origin/v0.1) add exclude_from_help property to cli class [2 minutes ago]
- 7933a8a bugfix minor error with print_table [29 hours ago]
- ad897a9 add print_table() method, to print similar to how mysql cli does [30 hours ago]
- 8fee575 add $main_on_command_not_found = false property to allow main to be run when there are arguments. [2 weeks ago]
- fb127a0 run scrawl [9 weeks ago]
- c3b4071 hopefully fixed autloader inclusion [9 weeks ago]
- b962ecf add tlf-clifor easier setup [9 weeks ago]
- 3df78ea add prompt() for string prompts. Added docblocks. Slightly improved ask question formatting [9 weeks ago]
- 2a39939 add notice method [7 months ago]
- 0a66b9d run scrawl [7 months ago]
- fa09a14 trim each line of a logged message [8 months ago]
- 73c0682 trim message, then append newline to end [8 months ago]
- 621931a add logging method [8 months ago]
- ab3067f composer update [12 months ago]
- 8293092 define argv for php 8.2 compatability [12 months ago]
- f90037f add ask() method to cli [1 year, 6 months ago]
- 9ee3ed8 add help menu [1 year, 6 months ago]
- 1b5f917 add error() method & msgs trait [1 year, 6 months ago]
- 04bf8fe update scrawl, run scrawl [1 year, 7 months ago]
- eb3ae3d documentation [1 year, 8 months ago]
- e08da2c docs, and add load_json_file() method [1 year, 8 months ago]
- cd42303 add call_command() method [1 year, 8 months ago]
- ad54fab fix: add classmap autoloader to composer.json [2 years ago]
- afb1b80 notes [2 years ago]
- 0c3de98 minor changes & I think it works [2 years ago]
- 7c8b1e8 notes [2 years ago]
- 734d843 tests passing. add notes [2 years ago]
- 0307358 init repo [2 years ago]